Tuesday, November 03, 2009


It's such a pleasant feeling waking up to a 17 degree celcius weather in Hong Kong. I was wondering when winter will come and finally, we see this day of cooling weather. Finally I can put my long sleeve shirt into action. Strolling along the road to class, seeing all those around me wrapped up in long pants and long sleeve (except a few who still wore shorts/miniskirt), enjoying the cold breeze in my face. It would be perfect if everyday were to be like this.

The bad news, cold weather is only expected to last for 2 days in HK. After the 2 days, it will be back to the hot sun and T-shirt and berms will come out once again. Have to wait till december.

And Beijing had her first snow fall of this winter, a bit too early though. After seeing the news, I then realise that the central govt did cloud seeding which caused the snow. I guess Beijing will be freezing when I visit in december. Need to buy winter clothes!

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