Sunday, July 29, 2007

perhentian islands....

Back from the perhentian islands... the sun, sand and sea.. my ideal vacation for relaxing... if not for budget constraints and having to be back for matriculation, i wld want to stay there for a few more days...
relaxing on a bench in front of the clear blue sea, with the sun above your head, the sea breeze in your face, and a gd book in hand. wow... feels like in heaven.
kuala besut town...
had to take a 11 hrs coach down to jerteh, then transfer to kuala besut, then by ferry to perhentian. a freaking long trip. but reaching that place, i kind of realise that it is still worth the hassle. perhaps next time i shall fly down to kota bahru instead.
the bus trip was rather 'interesting'. on the way there, our bus had a snapped engine belt and we had to stop in the middle of nowhere. surrounding us were forests which were totally dark. the occasional illumination came from the vehicles passing us. can imagine if a group of robberes pass by..... on the return journey, our bus had a punctured tyre. this time round, it was in front of a sch and 2 other buses also stopped to help our driver change tyre, so at least we felt safe.
i shall let the pictures do the talking....

the beach in front of our chalet...

another beach, where we watched the sunset..

our chalet...

snorkelling was a brand new experience for me. i feel like i am all alone in the underwater world, watching the world there go by. saw school of fishes, beautiful corals. it was fun feeding the fishes too. too bad i dun have a underwater cam with me.... if not can take lots of photos.

some cam whoring pics... actually gots lots more, dun think i gonna post them all here...

summing it up. a good environment, a good view, a good book & a good company of friends makes a great vacation!

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