Friday, June 15, 2007

last day at work

I am now officially jobless... haha, not counting the tuition lah...

Today is my last day at PIA.. 6 months passed by really quick. To think i am still dreading abt the job one month back. did really learn a lot of stuff. from excel idiot to excel pro (abt 80% ba)... from SAP idiot to SAP newbie (i think only 10% knowledge) ..Yes, at times it can get really boring as what i am doing is just simple admin stuff, but i do think i gonna miss the times there. Like what i told them today, what i miss most would be the people there. I guess, us being a small dept, sort of bonded us closely together. So it was a mixed feeling when leaving there.... too bad today most of the girls are on leave, but at least we did get together during angela's wedding on wednesday.

all of us at the dinner....

3 gentlemen from IMD

must put this pic.. joey's 'duh' look...

my 'shi fu' cheng hoon... she really taught me a lot of stuff..

boss KK presenting me with the gift they bought me. thanks guys!

tmr is boss b'dae as well...

my gift!! thanks a lot guys!! i was looking around for something like this also!!

at least i dun have to wake up early next monday to catch the 7.28am train at cck, direct to lavender... getting squashed up till at least buona vista.... and then repeating the whole process in the evening... being jobless also sent me thinking, what can i do in july??

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