Monday, July 10, 2006


This seems to have been the talk of the town today. though i didn't manage to catch the match yesterday, i find it a silly way, esp when it is his last game. oh well, france still lost in the penalty showdown. had i known, i should have forced myself to stay awake yesterday night to watch, but i was simply just too tired to wake up in camp to catch the match. and the head butting thing has influenced us in the medical centre. we were basically head butting each other today. we were speculating, what did materazzi said to zidane, and things like " i fuc*ed ur wife" n "your child is mine" came out. LOL!

Found this article on I weekly. interesting!

为何超人离开新加坡? (假设他又来过)

01) 因为医生每天抓他去验, 看他有没有染上禽流感。 他超烦: " I am not a bird!"
02) 因为交警只允许他在樟宜机场起飞及降落。 他超“显”:"I am not a plane!"
03) 因为报纸天天登他底裤外穿的“穿帮”照。他超起:"我没有'穿帮',I am Superman!"
05) 因为“超人”的福建话跟“臭人”很像,他超困惑。
06)因为他还没入境,就听说这里已经有“Superband","superstar", "super idol" 和 "super即溶麦片", 哇小小400万人口这么多超人家族,哪里还需要他来拯救?
07)因为他超不爽每天被人念“: 跟你说过多少次, 要先拯救这个,这个,这个和这个选区的居民, 最后才能拯救“那两个”选区的居民。
09)因为天气超热,就算是超人,每天穿蓝色紧身衣, 也会中暑。

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