woohoo! econs is finally over! don't expect to do well for the paper though. but hu cares. like what i had said before. i dun have high hopes. as long as i cld get a decent enough grade to get into uni course, then tat's it. I saw the geography course at NUS and i think i wld want to go for it. geography is definitely my fav subject and sometimes i wonder if i shld have taken geog at a levels. the only thing holding me back frm geog was tat i did not take pure geog at o levels. didn't have much chioce back then. if i take pure geog, then i wld have to take SS with history. i hate history. but the later batches get to offer SS with e-lit. damm! if they offered elective lit back then in my yr, then i cld take pure geog. now i saw the newspapers tat they are offering SS with c-lit. 2 entirely diff subject?? one in el one in cl. will feel so damm strange. and frm yr 2006, students will be able to use electronic dictionary in exams!!! WTH!! it wld speed up the writing process a lot loh! and it will make it damm easy lah. just key in the hanyu pinyin and then u get the word. oh man. all the changes to the education system.
ok. 2 more papers to go. 1 more to mug for. think design no need to study one lah. and poor kaining is currently stuck in the hospital. down with dengue fever. it is like so 'lucky', getting it during the a levels period. and she got s-paper this week also. hope it wld affect her too much, cause her grades are really good. shld be visiting her tmr after phy. hope she wld get well by then.
the exterior construction for my flat is currently right outside my flat. yesterday afternoon was abosulte horror. the were drilling the tiles right outside my flat. and the sound is so damm load and i cld feel the ground and wall shake. used the radio to cover up the noise and i endedup with such a bad headache. why this period out of all the period. stupid!
this is so funny
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive",Osama himself decided to send George W a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message: 370HSSV-0773H. Bush was baffled, so he typed it out and emailed it to Colin Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either so they sent it to the CIA. No one could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT, NASA and the Secret Service. Eventually they asked Britain's MI6 for help.
They called the White House:"Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down."
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