Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the weather recently is just so crappy... rain and rain non stop. worse still, it keeps raining in the morning, and that is the time when i travel to school. imagine being wet during lecture and shivering inside the LT.... LT 11 is really freaking cold... one of the prof joked that the temp inside LT 11 is 11 degree celsius. plus my nose is so blocked up these few days (think must be the smoke due to the 7th month... ). so in all, crappy feeling since monday.

quite a few interesting things happened in sch...

yest my GIS class got cancelled due to the seminar room still being locked up. this is the first time i encounter such stuff and i was told this was not the first in nus. we waited for like 20 minutes and the admin person still didnt' come, thus prof feng decided to cancel class. yeah.... woke up early for nothing...

during today's el lecture, the whole LT was giggling here n there cause of a bug on the projector screen. think we paid more attention to the bug than to madelena.. and madelena must have thought we were laughing at her jokes (ok, not really jokes).

basic translation lecture was so duh... the lecturer thinks we are too hot and decided to '冷一下'.. the most cold joke must be the "逝" word... "手是放在船里面,不要放进水里,有鳄鱼".. cause there is this guy who wrote the 逝 word wrongly, where his 手字旁 is placed wrongly... and the 'jasmine' thing... think all these lameless is what makes the lesson interesting...

and i did saw someone slip down the stairs in a super unglam manner... girls shouldn't wear heels in school, esp with all the stairs in arts...

ok.. i am crapping alreadly.... tmr can wake up late. yeah!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mandy Moore's cover of umbrella is the track that is running non-stop on my comp now... i really like her cover of this song. previously, rihanna's cover is just the catchy 'ella ella eh eh eh' but mandy's version is actually very soothing and sensual.. a total diff feel from rihanna's. many of mandy's track are so nice, esp cry..

and update on some stuff. yup. i got the project director for next yr geog soc FOC. gonna see stress level running sky high next year. Having lots of ideas and expectations for next year camp, but i guess ideas running in the head are always hard to be put to reality. and there is always this thought of 'what if...' ok, shall not fret on this, since i had volunteered to run for this post. shall take it as a challenge, a motivation to push me through school.

and today, another of my close fren ky left for studies overseas. haizzz. well, hope he could cope well there and i hope we cld continue to stay close. the wonders of internet... letting me keep in touch with ppl overseas...

so many readings and none of it is making sense... all that is making sense is "under my umbrella ella ella eh eh eh..."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

In a bid to save money, save papers thus saving the trees, i actually printed out my readings in 2 pages on one side of the paper. Now i totally regret it. I have to put the reading damm close my eyes and squirm my eyes to read them. Also, i need a ruler to guide me in the readign of lines of sentences. totally bad for the eyes and it really makes me wanna stop reading.

i shall not do tat anymore. screw the money. screw the trees... uni is all about printing and writing on papers anyway... i shall see that these papers go into the recycling bin when i graduate.(me trying to being more enviromentally friendly)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

kristie lu from CNN gave us a talk on monday during our CNM lecture. she mentioned about virtual worlds and one of it being second life. I has heard about the second life but have yet to try it. So being lazy to do my readings, i downloaded and logged on.

Indeed, you could have another life on the virtual world. I can decide how i want to look, what i want to wear. in fact, someone commented i look real 'hot' on SL. haha... and i was lucky to meet another singaporean who brought me to a club. yeah.. clubbing online huh... not those dancing and drinking type. just went there, chatted with a few fellow sgporeans. Indeed, all of us agreed that not many singaporeans are on this game. After chit chatting, i realise this is so similar to what has been happening in our real life, in uni. I have been getting to know more people, make new friends, and that is exactly what i am doing in SL. Thinking back, it is really wow!

SL does not stop at chit chatting. One can also make money. their currency being Linden Dollars(L$) and i saw that they actually have an actual conversion rate. as in US$ to L$. So one can take on a job in SL and earn money. One can also create an item, such as furniture, paintings, figures and sell it in SL to earn money. Once enough money, one can then buy a land on SL. build house, invite people over. have fun, have party. the possibilites are infinite!

no wonder the company who created SL is making lots of money now. and yeah, there is a millionare in SL too...

I think I would not be in this game for long as school is gonna get busy. It is good to escape to another world once in a while, but living in this virtual world is gonna be bad for one in the real world.

I should change my SL name into something more facinating n interesting i guess. I shall get outrageous costumes. "you can be anything in the 2nd life. Go out! Have fun! Do things you would never do in the real life. no one knows who you are anyway!"

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I tried to study (yes mugging) and i got sick of it halfway, mostly due to me unable to understand what the text is talking about. I realise that reading for leisure is ok for me, but reading for understanding of the context is getting hard for me. Is it the 2 yrs break from studies or is it i am getting more and more distracted by things around me? Back when we were young, all we had to do was to study well and that's it. That's what all sporeans kids are doing right? but now, beside studies, there are just so many many things to care about. I guess i have not mastered the skill of clearing my mind.... my mind is just so blocked up everytime..

but still I have to study... the thought of the freaking expensive sch fees and the loan crap sort of forces me face reality. yes. study. apart from studying, i wish i cld do more than that in uni. After all, uni life is not all studies. Have decided to join the geog soc as a comm member, as well as the nus red cross (i still got an interview to pass thru). y red cross?? a lot ppl seems so shocked at that... even yz was laughing at it... I guess i must have gave ppl the impression that i am not the caring sort... ok, i am not that compassionate to the point where i wld spend all my weekends at the old folks home caring for them. i actually like to help others. helping them makes me feel happy. esp when i know that others really appreciate it. i used to have patient thanking me (even bought me a drink) after spending one whole aft at the hospital with him. know that he really appreciates my effort made me feel good. people have came to me for advise whenever they have any injuries or some concerns. I just tell them what i know and gave them advise within my limits. It feels great to be able to help them. In the service industry, even a word of 'thanks' means something to the person serving you. at least he or her knows you appreciate what he has done and after all the crap n shit in serving other freaking annoying customers, a thanks plus a smile could be the thing that keeps them sane. After being in the medical service in army, i feel that i actually like the nature of the job. it could actually being comfort to others. and yes, you be thinking i shld advance myself in the healthcare industry. why i choose not to do so is because i know i am not that noble to fully devote myself in it. some thing as to why i would not want to be a social worker. cause i know that at some point, i would just feel so so so demoralised and i wouldnt' want to continue. that's why i choose to join such organisations. I need not do it full time, and yet i could devote some time to helping others.

ok... enough of the 'big talk'... it's just so not what i wld be saying...

so while sick of studying, i actually listened to some of the CD i have... those like 10 yrs back ones... haha...

and jacky cheung's 拥抱阳光 reminds me of this tag on 93.3

嘉蕙:dear, 帮我擦suntan lotion...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

my lappie seems to be the only source of my entertainment in school during free periods, esp when all my frens are having lessons or not even in school.... Just realised that i can print stuff thru my lappie in the central library... just realised that there are many many ppl printing RBR books in the photocopy room (where most of the copiers are so damm screwed...)... just realised that i have spent a bomb on photocopying and this bomb is gonna keep coming...just realised that the basic translation text n references are all in traditional chinese!!! (i just have to figure out some of the words by guessing)

yup. so far all the lectures are ok... they have not gone into the confusing chim part yet... in a all new surrounding... lots of stairs to climb... lots of ppl in the new canteen... lots of readings to read...

i guess i have not gotten used to study life yet. working life means after work, it is total free time and i can do whatever i want (most of the time). studying life means to study more after school. I just gave up reading thru my text after 1 hr everyday at home..... how to finish all the readings??

and i just realised that my geog notes fonts are so damm small and it gonna spoil my eyes... due to the kiasu me trying to save money and save paper (save the trees! save the earth!)..

ok enough of crap... gonna go K session loh...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

so many many fragmented thoughts going on in my head right now....

now finally sch is going to start.... but the feeling in me seems so unsettled. have a feeling as if everything is not complete. yes, there are still much more things to do. tutorial balloting. buy textbooks, print notes and so on.... ok, shall calm myself down and think logically.. ( i am so influenced by the book The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night TIme). ok the good side, at least i have someone i know with me for my first ever lecture in nus. i will not feel like a lost sheep in campus....

and after looking at the notes for CL2280 Basic Translation, i really wonder if i did make the right choice.... Just hope this module wun kill me.... Yes. I am confident that i can manage it, I am effectively bilingual correct?? haha... or should i just drop this module and get another module??

and i am rather pissed about vista.. takes such a bloody long time to start up and shut down... and i was pulling my hair off my head while setting up a network at home.... and still could not get it done. suan le... i just use my thumbdrive to transfer file to my main computer and print it from there.... save me lots of trouble and headache...

So first day of school tmr... pray it wld be good for me and nothing goes wrong... not late for class .... not landing up in the wrong class.... not falling down the steps in school.... erm... what else are there to take note?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

now i finally understand why CORS is bugging the ass off of so many ppl in nus...

in round 1c, i successfully got the module i want without much difficulty. but the sucky part comes in at round2. i can't believe i got outbided for both my gem n ss module!! and checking bidding history, those 2 i want weren't hot modules... and now i got to go hunting for modules again.. it's like eating the leftovers of others.... i certainly wun want to take modules which i have absolutely no interest in. and to imagine having to deal with cors again next sem.. nvm, will have more pts as my bargaining chips...

i have not blogged for quite some time. reason? there was nothing much to blog about. imagine every other day was spent like the day before. nothing interesting. nothing facinationg. nothing worth writing down in this blog. jc did ask me out, but he cld only meet me rather late and i dun feel like staying out late... all the night tuition has made me resent the idea of staying out till 11 plus or 12. worse still, if there is no more public transport, i have to spend $$ on cab.

but yest had a mahjong session. i guess we are somehow excited to start sch, or i am being influenced by prof lee, our mahjong expert, during our last session (thinking of which was a few months back). our topics eventually lead to how we can calculate winnings using maths formula, which is 2^(n-1), where n is the number of 'tai's, and formula like we would be holding only (3n+1) tiles at any time, where n=1,2,3,4. we even had a code MJ1101E:Introduction to Mahjong. to be able to exercise my hands among those white tiles again was indeed really fun, and i realise i am learning more things as i go along. luck is on me this time round and i won a few big rounds. think ah tee is the one who lost until drop pants.. ah tee, u shld play more, then can earn back ur money. first time is like dat, must pay tuition fees wat....

thinking that the laidback lifestyle i had for the past 2 1/2 yrs is gonna be gone soon. exciting yet dreading it at the same time. yes. human are hard to satisfy....